APA Style

Gaarder, Jostein. (1996). Sophie's World The Whole Book: the History of Philosophy . New York: Straurus and giroux.inc.

Chicago Style

Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie's World The Whole Book: the History of Philosophy. New York: Straurus and giroux.inc, 1996. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Gaarder, Jostein. (1996). Sophie's World The Whole Book: the History of Philosophy. . New York: Straurus and giroux.inc.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie's World The Whole Book: the History of Philosophy. . New York: Straurus and giroux.inc, 1996.

MLA Style

Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie's World The Whole Book: the History of Philosophy. New York: Straurus and giroux.inc, 1996. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

Turabian Style

Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie's World The Whole Book: the History of Philosophy. New York: Straurus and giroux.inc, 1996. Perpustakaan KALBIS.