APA Style

Hartmann, Ekart, Unger, Heinz. (0). Operational and Maintenance (O&M): The Good and The Bad Infrastructure (Volume B). Jakarta: PNPM Support Facilities.

Chicago Style

Hartmann, Ekart, Unger, Heinz. Operational and Maintenance (O&M): The Good and The Bad Infrastructure. Volume B Jakarta: PNPM Support Facilities, 0. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Hartmann, Ekart, Unger, Heinz. (0). Operational and Maintenance (O&M): The Good and The Bad Infrastructure. Volume B. Jakarta: PNPM Support Facilities.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Hartmann, Ekart, Unger, Heinz. Operational and Maintenance (O&M): The Good and The Bad Infrastructure. Volume B. Jakarta: PNPM Support Facilities, 0.

MLA Style

Hartmann, Ekart, Unger, Heinz. Operational and Maintenance (O&M): The Good and The Bad Infrastructure. Volume B Jakarta: PNPM Support Facilities, 0. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

Turabian Style

Hartmann, Ekart, Unger, Heinz. Operational and Maintenance (O&M): The Good and The Bad Infrastructure. Volume B Jakarta: PNPM Support Facilities, 0. Perpustakaan KALBIS.