APA Style

Inch, Edward S., Tudor, Kristen H.. (2015). Critical Thinking and Communication: The Use of Reason in Argument: Global Edition 7th (7th). England: Pearson.

Chicago Style

Inch, Edward S., Tudor, Kristen H.. Critical Thinking and Communication: The Use of Reason in Argument: Global Edition 7th. 7th England: Pearson, 2015. Ilmu Komunikasi.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Inch, Edward S., Tudor, Kristen H.. (2015). Critical Thinking and Communication: The Use of Reason in Argument: Global Edition 7th. 7th. England: Pearson.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Inch, Edward S., Tudor, Kristen H.. Critical Thinking and Communication: The Use of Reason in Argument: Global Edition 7th. 7th. England: Pearson, 2015.

MLA Style

Inch, Edward S., Tudor, Kristen H.. Critical Thinking and Communication: The Use of Reason in Argument: Global Edition 7th. 7th England: Pearson, 2015. Ilmu Komunikasi.

Turabian Style

Inch, Edward S., Tudor, Kristen H.. Critical Thinking and Communication: The Use of Reason in Argument: Global Edition 7th. 7th England: Pearson, 2015. Ilmu Komunikasi.