APA Style

Cantor, Dorothy, Goodheart, Carol, Haber, Sandra. (0). Finding Your Voice: A Woman's Guide to Using Self-Talk for Fulfilling Relationships, Work, and Life . 2004: John Wiley & Sons.

Chicago Style

Cantor, Dorothy, Goodheart, Carol, Haber, Sandra. Finding Your Voice: A Woman's Guide to Using Self-Talk for Fulfilling Relationships, Work, and Life. 2004: John Wiley & Sons, 0. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Cantor, Dorothy, Goodheart, Carol, Haber, Sandra. (0). Finding Your Voice: A Woman's Guide to Using Self-Talk for Fulfilling Relationships, Work, and Life. . 2004: John Wiley & Sons.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Cantor, Dorothy, Goodheart, Carol, Haber, Sandra. Finding Your Voice: A Woman's Guide to Using Self-Talk for Fulfilling Relationships, Work, and Life. . 2004: John Wiley & Sons, 0.

MLA Style

Cantor, Dorothy, Goodheart, Carol, Haber, Sandra. Finding Your Voice: A Woman's Guide to Using Self-Talk for Fulfilling Relationships, Work, and Life. 2004: John Wiley & Sons, 0. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.

Turabian Style

Cantor, Dorothy, Goodheart, Carol, Haber, Sandra. Finding Your Voice: A Woman's Guide to Using Self-Talk for Fulfilling Relationships, Work, and Life. 2004: John Wiley & Sons, 0. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.