APA Style

Tan, Stuart, Wee, Benjamin Marc. (2007). Secrets of ebay Millionaires . Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning Technologies.

Chicago Style

Tan, Stuart, Wee, Benjamin Marc. Secrets of ebay Millionaires. Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning Technologies, 2007. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Tan, Stuart, Wee, Benjamin Marc. (2007). Secrets of ebay Millionaires. . Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning Technologies.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Tan, Stuart, Wee, Benjamin Marc. Secrets of ebay Millionaires. . Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning Technologies, 2007.

MLA Style

Tan, Stuart, Wee, Benjamin Marc. Secrets of ebay Millionaires. Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning Technologies, 2007. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Tan, Stuart, Wee, Benjamin Marc. Secrets of ebay Millionaires. Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning Technologies, 2007. Manajemen.