APA Style

Communications of the ACM | 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. (2016). : Association for Computing Machinery.

Chicago Style

Communications of the ACM | 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. : Association for Computing Machinery, 2016. Informatika.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Communications of the ACM | 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. : Association for Computing Machinery.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Communications of the ACM | 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. : Association for Computing Machinery, 2016.

MLA Style

Communications of the ACM | 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. : Association for Computing Machinery, 2016. Informatika.

Turabian Style

Communications of the ACM | 12/2016 Vol. 59 No. 12. : Association for Computing Machinery, 2016. Informatika.