APA Style

Skeldon, Paul. (2011). M-Commerce: Boost your business with the power of mobile commerce . Surrey: Crimson Publishing.

Chicago Style

Skeldon, Paul. M-Commerce: Boost your business with the power of mobile commerce. 0 Surrey: Crimson Publishing, 2011. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Skeldon, Paul. (2011). M-Commerce: Boost your business with the power of mobile commerce. 0. Surrey: Crimson Publishing.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Skeldon, Paul. M-Commerce: Boost your business with the power of mobile commerce. 0. Surrey: Crimson Publishing, 2011.

MLA Style

Skeldon, Paul. M-Commerce: Boost your business with the power of mobile commerce. 0 Surrey: Crimson Publishing, 2011. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Skeldon, Paul. M-Commerce: Boost your business with the power of mobile commerce. 0 Surrey: Crimson Publishing, 2011. Manajemen.