APA Style

Schaper, Michael, Volery, Thierry, Weber, Paull, Lewis, Kate. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Small Business : 3RD Asia-Pacific Edition . Milton: Wiley.

Chicago Style

Schaper, Michael, Volery, Thierry, Weber, Paull, Lewis, Kate. Entrepreneurship and Small Business : 3RD Asia-Pacific Edition. Milton: Wiley, 2011. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Schaper, Michael, Volery, Thierry, Weber, Paull, Lewis, Kate. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Small Business : 3RD Asia-Pacific Edition. . Milton: Wiley.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Schaper, Michael, Volery, Thierry, Weber, Paull, Lewis, Kate. Entrepreneurship and Small Business : 3RD Asia-Pacific Edition. . Milton: Wiley, 2011.

MLA Style

Schaper, Michael, Volery, Thierry, Weber, Paull, Lewis, Kate. Entrepreneurship and Small Business : 3RD Asia-Pacific Edition. Milton: Wiley, 2011. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Schaper, Michael, Volery, Thierry, Weber, Paull, Lewis, Kate. Entrepreneurship and Small Business : 3RD Asia-Pacific Edition. Milton: Wiley, 2011. Manajemen.