APA Style

Franklin, Kristen, Muir, Paul, Scott, Terry. (2010). Introduction To Biological Physics: For The Health And Life Science . Boston: Wiley.

Chicago Style

Franklin, Kristen, Muir, Paul, Scott, Terry. Introduction To Biological Physics: For The Health And Life Science. Boston: Wiley, 2010. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Franklin, Kristen, Muir, Paul, Scott, Terry. (2010). Introduction To Biological Physics: For The Health And Life Science. . Boston: Wiley.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Franklin, Kristen, Muir, Paul, Scott, Terry. Introduction To Biological Physics: For The Health And Life Science. . Boston: Wiley, 2010.

MLA Style

Franklin, Kristen, Muir, Paul, Scott, Terry. Introduction To Biological Physics: For The Health And Life Science. Boston: Wiley, 2010. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.

Turabian Style

Franklin, Kristen, Muir, Paul, Scott, Terry. Introduction To Biological Physics: For The Health And Life Science. Boston: Wiley, 2010. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.