APA Style

Phillips, Jack, Phillips, Patti, Ray, Rebecca. (2012). Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program's Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance . USA: .

Chicago Style

Phillips, Jack, Phillips, Patti, Ray, Rebecca. Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program's Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance. USA: , 2012. Magister Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Phillips, Jack, Phillips, Patti, Ray, Rebecca. (2012). Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program's Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance. . USA: .

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Phillips, Jack, Phillips, Patti, Ray, Rebecca. Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program's Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance. . USA: , 2012.

MLA Style

Phillips, Jack, Phillips, Patti, Ray, Rebecca. Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program's Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance. USA: , 2012. Magister Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Phillips, Jack, Phillips, Patti, Ray, Rebecca. Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program's Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance. USA: , 2012. Magister Manajemen.