APA Style

Agrawal, Dharma Prakash, Zeng, Qing An. (2006). Introduction to wireless and mobile systems 2 Ed. (2). Australia: Thomson.

Chicago Style

Agrawal, Dharma Prakash, Zeng, Qing An. Introduction to wireless and mobile systems 2 Ed.. 2 Australia: Thomson, 2006. Informatika.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Agrawal, Dharma Prakash, Zeng, Qing An. (2006). Introduction to wireless and mobile systems 2 Ed.. 2. Australia: Thomson.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Agrawal, Dharma Prakash, Zeng, Qing An. Introduction to wireless and mobile systems 2 Ed.. 2. Australia: Thomson, 2006.

MLA Style

Agrawal, Dharma Prakash, Zeng, Qing An. Introduction to wireless and mobile systems 2 Ed.. 2 Australia: Thomson, 2006. Informatika.

Turabian Style

Agrawal, Dharma Prakash, Zeng, Qing An. Introduction to wireless and mobile systems 2 Ed.. 2 Australia: Thomson, 2006. Informatika.