APA Style

Martin, Steve, Colleran, Gary. (2003). Sold: how make it easy for people to buy from you . London: .

Chicago Style

Martin, Steve, Colleran, Gary. Sold: how make it easy for people to buy from you. London: , 2003. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Martin, Steve, Colleran, Gary. (2003). Sold: how make it easy for people to buy from you. . London: .

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Martin, Steve, Colleran, Gary. Sold: how make it easy for people to buy from you. . London: , 2003.

MLA Style

Martin, Steve, Colleran, Gary. Sold: how make it easy for people to buy from you. London: , 2003. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Martin, Steve, Colleran, Gary. Sold: how make it easy for people to buy from you. London: , 2003. Manajemen.