APA Style

Steers, Richard M., Porter, Lyman W.. (1991). Motivation and Work Behavior 5 Ed. (5). Boston: Akademika Pressindo.

Chicago Style

Steers, Richard M., Porter, Lyman W.. Motivation and Work Behavior 5 Ed.. 5 Boston: Akademika Pressindo, 1991. Ilmu Komunikasi.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Steers, Richard M., Porter, Lyman W.. (1991). Motivation and Work Behavior 5 Ed.. 5. Boston: Akademika Pressindo.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Steers, Richard M., Porter, Lyman W.. Motivation and Work Behavior 5 Ed.. 5. Boston: Akademika Pressindo, 1991.

MLA Style

Steers, Richard M., Porter, Lyman W.. Motivation and Work Behavior 5 Ed.. 5 Boston: Akademika Pressindo, 1991. Ilmu Komunikasi.

Turabian Style

Steers, Richard M., Porter, Lyman W.. Motivation and Work Behavior 5 Ed.. 5 Boston: Akademika Pressindo, 1991. Ilmu Komunikasi.