APA Style

Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry. (1996). Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decisions 4 - International Ed. (4 - International). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Chicago Style

Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry. Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decisions 4 - International Ed.. 4 - International New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry. (1996). Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decisions 4 - International Ed.. 4 - International. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry. Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decisions 4 - International Ed.. 4 - International. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996.

MLA Style

Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry. Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decisions 4 - International Ed.. 4 - International New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry. Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decisions 4 - International Ed.. 4 - International New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996. Manajemen.