APA Style

Noori, Hamid, Radford, Russell. (1995). Production and Operations Management: Total Quality and Responsiveness . New York: .

Chicago Style

Noori, Hamid, Radford, Russell. Production and Operations Management: Total Quality and Responsiveness. New York: , 1995. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Noori, Hamid, Radford, Russell. (1995). Production and Operations Management: Total Quality and Responsiveness. . New York: .

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Noori, Hamid, Radford, Russell. Production and Operations Management: Total Quality and Responsiveness. . New York: , 1995.

MLA Style

Noori, Hamid, Radford, Russell. Production and Operations Management: Total Quality and Responsiveness. New York: , 1995. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Noori, Hamid, Radford, Russell. Production and Operations Management: Total Quality and Responsiveness. New York: , 1995. Manajemen.