APA Style

Levin, Richard I., Rubin, David S.. (2008). Quantitative Approaches to Management (8). New York: Akademika Pressindo.

Chicago Style

Levin, Richard I., Rubin, David S.. Quantitative Approaches to Management. 8 New York: Akademika Pressindo, 2008. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Levin, Richard I., Rubin, David S.. (2008). Quantitative Approaches to Management. 8. New York: Akademika Pressindo.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Levin, Richard I., Rubin, David S.. Quantitative Approaches to Management. 8. New York: Akademika Pressindo, 2008.

MLA Style

Levin, Richard I., Rubin, David S.. Quantitative Approaches to Management. 8 New York: Akademika Pressindo, 2008. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

Turabian Style

Levin, Richard I., Rubin, David S.. Quantitative Approaches to Management. 8 New York: Akademika Pressindo, 2008. Perpustakaan KALBIS.