APA Style

Block, Stanley B, Hirt, Geoffrey A. (1994). Foundations of financial management (7 - Annotated Instructor's). Burr Ridge: Irwin Publishing.

Chicago Style

Block, Stanley B, Hirt, Geoffrey A. Foundations of financial management. 7 - Annotated Instructor's Burr Ridge: Irwin Publishing, 1994. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Block, Stanley B, Hirt, Geoffrey A. (1994). Foundations of financial management. 7 - Annotated Instructor's. Burr Ridge: Irwin Publishing.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Block, Stanley B, Hirt, Geoffrey A. Foundations of financial management. 7 - Annotated Instructor's. Burr Ridge: Irwin Publishing, 1994.

MLA Style

Block, Stanley B, Hirt, Geoffrey A. Foundations of financial management. 7 - Annotated Instructor's Burr Ridge: Irwin Publishing, 1994. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Block, Stanley B, Hirt, Geoffrey A. Foundations of financial management. 7 - Annotated Instructor's Burr Ridge: Irwin Publishing, 1994. Manajemen.