APA Style

Sugandi, Annie. (2005). The decision making process of high school students in choosing higher education institution . Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo.

Chicago Style

Sugandi, Annie. The decision making process of high school students in choosing higher education institution. Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo, 2005. Magister Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Sugandi, Annie. (2005). The decision making process of high school students in choosing higher education institution. . Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Sugandi, Annie. The decision making process of high school students in choosing higher education institution. . Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo, 2005.

MLA Style

Sugandi, Annie. The decision making process of high school students in choosing higher education institution. Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo, 2005. Magister Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Sugandi, Annie. The decision making process of high school students in choosing higher education institution. Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo, 2005. Magister Manajemen.