APA Style

Hill, Nigel, Brierley, John, MacDougall, Rob. (1999). How to Measure Customer Satisfaction . Great Britain: Gower Publishing Limited.

Chicago Style

Hill, Nigel, Brierley, John, MacDougall, Rob. How to Measure Customer Satisfaction. Great Britain: Gower Publishing Limited, 1999. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Hill, Nigel, Brierley, John, MacDougall, Rob. (1999). How to Measure Customer Satisfaction. . Great Britain: Gower Publishing Limited.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Hill, Nigel, Brierley, John, MacDougall, Rob. How to Measure Customer Satisfaction. . Great Britain: Gower Publishing Limited, 1999.

MLA Style

Hill, Nigel, Brierley, John, MacDougall, Rob. How to Measure Customer Satisfaction. Great Britain: Gower Publishing Limited, 1999. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Hill, Nigel, Brierley, John, MacDougall, Rob. How to Measure Customer Satisfaction. Great Britain: Gower Publishing Limited, 1999. Manajemen.