APA Style

Dale, Nell, Lilly, Suan C. (1985). Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms, and Advanced Programming . USA: D.C Heath and Company.

Chicago Style

Dale, Nell, Lilly, Suan C. Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms, and Advanced Programming. USA: D.C Heath and Company, 1985. Informatika.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Dale, Nell, Lilly, Suan C. (1985). Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms, and Advanced Programming. . USA: D.C Heath and Company.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Dale, Nell, Lilly, Suan C. Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms, and Advanced Programming. . USA: D.C Heath and Company, 1985.

MLA Style

Dale, Nell, Lilly, Suan C. Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms, and Advanced Programming. USA: D.C Heath and Company, 1985. Informatika.

Turabian Style

Dale, Nell, Lilly, Suan C. Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms, and Advanced Programming. USA: D.C Heath and Company, 1985. Informatika.