APA Style

Bethel, L.L, Smith,G.H.E, Atwater,F.S, Stackman.H.A. (1950). Industrial Organization and Management 2 Ed. (2). New York: .

Chicago Style

Bethel, L.L, Smith,G.H.E, Atwater,F.S, Stackman.H.A. Industrial Organization and Management 2 Ed.. 2 New York: , 1950. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Bethel, L.L, Smith,G.H.E, Atwater,F.S, Stackman.H.A. (1950). Industrial Organization and Management 2 Ed.. 2. New York: .

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Bethel, L.L, Smith,G.H.E, Atwater,F.S, Stackman.H.A. Industrial Organization and Management 2 Ed.. 2. New York: , 1950.

MLA Style

Bethel, L.L, Smith,G.H.E, Atwater,F.S, Stackman.H.A. Industrial Organization and Management 2 Ed.. 2 New York: , 1950. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Bethel, L.L, Smith,G.H.E, Atwater,F.S, Stackman.H.A. Industrial Organization and Management 2 Ed.. 2 New York: , 1950. Manajemen.