APA Style

Lou, Robby. (0). TOEFL common errors and grammar practice: the book that makes you score higher: for TOEFL writing skills . Jakarta: V-print.

Chicago Style

Lou, Robby. TOEFL common errors and grammar practice: the book that makes you score higher: for TOEFL writing skills. Jakarta: V-print, 0. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Lou, Robby. (0). TOEFL common errors and grammar practice: the book that makes you score higher: for TOEFL writing skills. . Jakarta: V-print.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Lou, Robby. TOEFL common errors and grammar practice: the book that makes you score higher: for TOEFL writing skills. . Jakarta: V-print, 0.

MLA Style

Lou, Robby. TOEFL common errors and grammar practice: the book that makes you score higher: for TOEFL writing skills. Jakarta: V-print, 0. Perpustakaan KALBIS.

Turabian Style

Lou, Robby. TOEFL common errors and grammar practice: the book that makes you score higher: for TOEFL writing skills. Jakarta: V-print, 0. Perpustakaan KALBIS.