APA Style

Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry B. (2009). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (Eight Edition). United States of America: Thomson Wadworth.

Chicago Style

Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry B. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition United States of America: Thomson Wadworth, 2009. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry B. (2009). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition. United States of America: Thomson Wadworth.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry B. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition. United States of America: Thomson Wadworth, 2009.

MLA Style

Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry B. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition United States of America: Thomson Wadworth, 2009. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry B. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition United States of America: Thomson Wadworth, 2009. Manajemen.