APA Style

Pindyck, Robert S, Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (2013). Microeconomics 8 Ed. (8). United States of America: Person Education.

Chicago Style

Pindyck, Robert S, Rubinfeld, Daniel L. Microeconomics 8 Ed.. 8 United States of America: Person Education, 2013. Akuntansi.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Pindyck, Robert S, Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (2013). Microeconomics 8 Ed.. 8. United States of America: Person Education.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Pindyck, Robert S, Rubinfeld, Daniel L. Microeconomics 8 Ed.. 8. United States of America: Person Education, 2013.

MLA Style

Pindyck, Robert S, Rubinfeld, Daniel L. Microeconomics 8 Ed.. 8 United States of America: Person Education, 2013. Akuntansi.

Turabian Style

Pindyck, Robert S, Rubinfeld, Daniel L. Microeconomics 8 Ed.. 8 United States of America: Person Education, 2013. Akuntansi.