APA Style

Soars, John, Liz. (0). New headway: English course: Intermediate Workbook With Key . New York: Oxford University.

Chicago Style

Soars, John, Liz. New headway: English course: Intermediate Workbook With Key. New York: Oxford University, 0. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Soars, John, Liz. (0). New headway: English course: Intermediate Workbook With Key. . New York: Oxford University.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Soars, John, Liz. New headway: English course: Intermediate Workbook With Key. . New York: Oxford University, 0.

MLA Style

Soars, John, Liz. New headway: English course: Intermediate Workbook With Key. New York: Oxford University, 0. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.

Turabian Style

Soars, John, Liz. New headway: English course: Intermediate Workbook With Key. New York: Oxford University, 0. PMKPK (Pengelolaan Mata Kuliah.