APA Style

Laudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.. (2013). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm 12 ed. (12th edition). England: Person Education.

Chicago Style

Laudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm 12 ed.. 12th edition England: Person Education, 2013. Sistem Informasi.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Laudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.. (2013). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm 12 ed.. 12th edition. England: Person Education.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Laudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm 12 ed.. 12th edition. England: Person Education, 2013.

MLA Style

Laudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm 12 ed.. 12th edition England: Person Education, 2013. Sistem Informasi.

Turabian Style

Laudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm 12 ed.. 12th edition England: Person Education, 2013. Sistem Informasi.