APA Style

Chance, Don M, Brooks, Robert. (2013). An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management 9 Ed. (9). Boston: .

Chicago Style

Chance, Don M, Brooks, Robert. An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management 9 Ed.. 9 Boston: , 2013. Akuntansi.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Chance, Don M, Brooks, Robert. (2013). An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management 9 Ed.. 9. Boston: .

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Chance, Don M, Brooks, Robert. An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management 9 Ed.. 9. Boston: , 2013.

MLA Style

Chance, Don M, Brooks, Robert. An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management 9 Ed.. 9 Boston: , 2013. Akuntansi.

Turabian Style

Chance, Don M, Brooks, Robert. An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management 9 Ed.. 9 Boston: , 2013. Akuntansi.