APA Style

Warren, Carl S, Reeve, James M, Fess, Philip E. (1996). Accounting (18). United States of America: Thomson.

Chicago Style

Warren, Carl S, Reeve, James M, Fess, Philip E. Accounting. 18 United States of America: Thomson, 1996. Akuntansi.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Warren, Carl S, Reeve, James M, Fess, Philip E. (1996). Accounting. 18. United States of America: Thomson.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Warren, Carl S, Reeve, James M, Fess, Philip E. Accounting. 18. United States of America: Thomson, 1996.

MLA Style

Warren, Carl S, Reeve, James M, Fess, Philip E. Accounting. 18 United States of America: Thomson, 1996. Akuntansi.

Turabian Style

Warren, Carl S, Reeve, James M, Fess, Philip E. Accounting. 18 United States of America: Thomson, 1996. Akuntansi.