APA Style

Nicholson, Walter. (2000). Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 8 Ed. (8). Orlando: The Dryden Press.

Chicago Style

Nicholson, Walter. Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 8 Ed.. 8 Orlando: The Dryden Press, 2000. Manajemen.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Nicholson, Walter. (2000). Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 8 Ed.. 8. Orlando: The Dryden Press.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Nicholson, Walter. Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 8 Ed.. 8. Orlando: The Dryden Press, 2000.

MLA Style

Nicholson, Walter. Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 8 Ed.. 8 Orlando: The Dryden Press, 2000. Manajemen.

Turabian Style

Nicholson, Walter. Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 8 Ed.. 8 Orlando: The Dryden Press, 2000. Manajemen.