APA Style

Duff, Lois. (1997). The Economics Goverments And Markets: New Direction In European Public Policy . New York: Akademika Pressindo.

Chicago Style

Duff, Lois. The Economics Goverments And Markets: New Direction In European Public Policy. New York: Akademika Pressindo, 1997. Akuntansi.

IEEE Style

*IEEE style untuk Skripsi

Duff, Lois. (1997). The Economics Goverments And Markets: New Direction In European Public Policy. . New York: Akademika Pressindo.

*IEEE style untuk Buku/Jurnal

Duff, Lois. The Economics Goverments And Markets: New Direction In European Public Policy. . New York: Akademika Pressindo, 1997.

MLA Style

Duff, Lois. The Economics Goverments And Markets: New Direction In European Public Policy. New York: Akademika Pressindo, 1997. Akuntansi.

Turabian Style

Duff, Lois. The Economics Goverments And Markets: New Direction In European Public Policy. New York: Akademika Pressindo, 1997. Akuntansi.