Hi-Tech, Hi-Touch branding: creating brand power in the age of technology
Branding technology products is different from branding other types of consumer products. Manufacturers have to overcome technophobia and a distrust of new products, which consumers often feel will soon be superseded or become redundant. This work analyzes the current and future state of branding in the technology sector. It describes how to build customer loyalty on the Internet, where an alternative is only a click away, and where new competitors arrive on a regular basis. It provides international case studies of successful and not-so-successful branding initiatives.
200200843 | 658.82 TEM h | Kalbis Institute Library | Available |
200300732 | 658.82 TEM h | Kalbis Institute Library | Available |
200300733 | 658.82 TEM h | Kalbis Institute Library | Available |
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